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Choose among the most suitable technologies for your business
years in the market
dashboards created
active clients
Stop making decisions with your eyes closed and start basing them on the history of your business.
Fast as lightning
100% online platform
Tailor-made service
Learn about some success stories
"As a collaborator with Data-pulley, I can say that Priscila takes special care to ensure that the data is translated into a very accessible language for decision-making. The dashboards generated reflect information that would be very difficult to understand if we only looked at several spreadsheets full of numbers."
Mariano Cabanillas-Torpoco. PhD Candidate in Biological Oceanography
Created a dashboard in Tableau
"Data-pulley made me feel excellent. Firstly, the attention and service they provide are outstanding, as they took the time to guide us and explain many things we were not aware of. Secondly, they connect with experts in dashboard creation as well as experts in various business areas."
Erick Sebastian Perdomo Pavon. General Manager at Bot-haive:
Created a dashboard in Power BI